Message From Chairman
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Message 'from' Chairman
Each one of us is bound to reflect on what we have done for well being of children and not just our own but the millions who are in need of our help to enjoy their basic rights as individuals.
Provision of free health, recreation, quality education and skill learning facilities especially in the backward areas is important to liberate children from child labour, poverty and deprivation. Sustained efforts, both in Government and private sectors, are needed, and backed by a well-thought-out strategy for transferring national resources to rural areas and backward urban communities where child labour is rampant. More investment in the social sector is an urgent need to improve the quality of life of the common man.
We at the Child Care Foundation (CCF) in our own modest way are trying to tackle the problem of child labour in agriculture, carpet industry and other sectors since 1996. CCF child labour rehabilitation programs are aimed at equipping working children with basic education, secondary education, vocational training, life skills and improving their living and working conditions. Economic empowerment of families of working children through micro credit is an effort to improve their income so that children can be removed from work and sent to school. We are making efforts to mobilize more funds to expand the scope of our work and cover more sectors. Our vision of Pakistan is a country free from child labour, a country where every child goes to school and is provided an opportunity to grow to his/ her full potential in accordance with the UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child. Unless govt., industry and civil society-put out shoulder-to-the-wheel, we cannot realize the dream of a Pakistan free of Child Labour. Each one of us is bound to reflect on what we have done for well being of children and not just our own but the millions who are in need of our help to enjoy their basic rights as individuals. In our two decades combat against child labour, I was joined by the commitment and dedication of all my colleagues on the Board of Governors, the Chief Executive, CCF staff, the compassion and generosity of our donors and the prayers of our children (and their siblings) who attended our schools.
On the most auspicious occasion of our 20th Anniversary, I convey my heartfelt gratitude to our comrades and the growing fraternity of CCF supporters for a noble national and human cause. I request public and private sector / members civil society to come forward and strengthen our hands to combat the curse of child labour with positive sustainable strategies.